Breaking Away from the Herd aka civilization
Embracing The Commonality (aka nature and its laws)

Reconnecting to Nature, Living Locally, and Dissolving Domination-Based Systems for a Sustainable Future

At (Embracing the Commonality), we envision a world where humanity shifts away from the destructive patterns of the herd – our man-made civilization built upon domination and exploitation. We advocate for embracing the commonality: nature and its immutable laws, as the guiding principles for sustainable living.

The herd, characterized by governments as nation-states, organized religion, and the worldwide economy and banking systems, perpetuates a cycle of control and division, ultimately leading to the destruction of biodiversity – our only life source. This disconnect from nature must be rectified by reestablishing our connection to Mother Nature and adopting local living as our model for existence.

Our mission is multifaceted:

  1. Reconnect to Mother Nature: We aim to foster a deep and profound reconnection to nature, recognizing it as the ultimate source of life and wisdom. Through education and awareness, we seek to inspire individuals to embrace nature's rhythms and respect its delicate balance.

  2. Live Locally: We advocate for a shift towards local living, where communities harness their own resources, produce their own energy, and grow their own food. By leveraging technology and mimicking nature's principles, we can eliminate the detrimental effects of centralized civilization, such as war, starvation, species extinction, and the erosion of biodiversity.

  3. Dissolve Domination-Based Systems: While recognizing the robustness of domination-based systems, we believe in their gradual dissolution through the implementation of our new way of living. By promoting local autonomy and self-sufficiency, we aim to undermine the power structures that perpetuate suffering, greed, and slavery within the herd.

Through our collective efforts, we strive towards a world free from the unnecessary suffering and death caused by the current civilization. Join us in breaking away from the herd and embracing the commonality – a path towards harmony with nature and a sustainable future for all beings.

the above writing is what we are all about. 

I invite you to explore further, to join us and see how we can truly eliminate the unnecessary suffering and destruction of each other and of life itself all across the globe. 

it is 04-08-2024 and this is my last attempt to launch the 25 yr old movement 

stop here.... below must be edited asap... but you are welcome to venture further now.... 

Humanity is running out of time, and Nature has had it with our species. She will rid herself of us if we do not take our place in the web of life by getting off this 'pedestal of domination': Dominion over each other and nature itself: Biodiversity: Our only commonality here on Earth, and the source of life which we cannot exist without. Of course, WE also have dozens of other extinction level events at our doorstep that may destroy us but surely are adversely changing us. We will be changed one way or another so why not... let us do the changing! We must come together with some integrity and some dignity of which we are sorely lacking as a species. WE are making fools of ourselves in front of the universe, nature and even those god(s) you speak of and each other. We must be changing together alongside nature and reconnect to her utilizing technology, science and local living while we dissolve globalization or...  we stay on this path and let it all collapse. 

It is up to us to STOP the disconnect from nature, and most importantly, WE MUST reconnect to her at breakneck speed. WE MUST Break Away from The Herd(civilization and its operative 'systems of domination') and reconnect to what works: Mother NATURE, and throw in a healthy dose of technology/science. Lets implement tangible and immutable ways to live that produce little or no collateral damage, and do so NOW! It is imperative that we take responsibility for ALL life and not just our circle of friends(so says Albert Einstein). WE must drop these man-made systems of domination: governments as nation states, organized religions and the new gods of worldwide economy and banking. Stop living the lifestyle that feeds these destsructive and devisive systems which destroy life, and enlist the uninterpretable beauty of nature. 

Rachel Carson

Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.” “In nature nothing exists alone.” “But man is a part of nature, and his war against nature is inevitably a war against himself.”

WE must create new systems of living that make this one, this 'civilization' obsolete... Buckminster Fuller  - love you bro!

a bit more validation and direction below from...Albert Einstein

"A human being is part of the whole, called by us “universe,” limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest – a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a prison, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons close to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from our prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all humanity and the whole of nature in its beauty"  

Let's STOP this disconnection form each other but also the disconnect from Mother Nature and get rid of this incredibly destructive civilization we now feed with our lifestyles via 'the systems of domination'. Lets go with Nature, technology and each other to create a new world based on local living. Creating sustainable and durable local economies the world over. Together we can build 'millions of these 'sustainable and durable local economies / communities around the world as we unite with a lifestyle that starves those in power to dissolve 'their' domination-based civilization. To peacefully dethrone  The 'powers that be' who control us and guide us and talk us into a lifestyle and belief systems that are destroying life on earth and each other  - yes, they know how to divide and conquer!  

Waters and Gilmore (Pink Floyd) from: Comfortably Numb

When I was a child, I caught a fleeting glimpse; out of the corner of my eye, I turned to look, but it was gone; I cannot put my finger on it now, The child is grown, the dream is gone, and... I... have become... comfortably numb.

my interpretation: Your beauty and true self were taken from you almost at birth by this culture: as Daniel Quinns Ishmael calls it: 'mother culture'. The antithesis of mother nature. Taken from you by 'this' civilization which stole your amazing creative self and replaced it with what they wanted you to be. Some of you will be fortunate enough to realize this in time, like I did, yet it comes so late in life that it becomes this huge struggle to see the truth, change and regain your true identity. I say enough! It is this piece of music that tells it like it is and brings you emotion and hope. 

lets stop this numbness and find our true self! Let us reconnect to Mother Nature and let go of what simply doesn't work for humanity and all life on earth. The current civilization(the civilization to end all?)

I'm your host: Kevin aka the berserker and former norse god who once was truly immortal (nothing special of course, as we were all born this way. I am now relegated to working my mouth off to show humanity there is another way to live and toss out the 'collateral damage' we now accept as part of life or as human nature which is bullshit... a huge lie!  We don't have much time folks and yet all that I propose, is quite doable as we transition away from that which divides and destroys us to a new amazing world that supports our one and only life source; biodiversity, and a FREE creative human experience. 

see th Daily videos on topics of change and how to do it successfully.                 See these on: youtube, facebook, instgram and other platforms. 

Weekly Podcast - platform to be announced for Sundays: an hour long to review those weekly video topics  -  Always available on Youtube and others..

We must learn to live differently. NOW. 

We can Have a lil fun. If... big IF... If you are adventurous and are willing to change. If not? YOU will be changed, and you will not like it, or... WE change to our advantage! Don't let those in charge guide you or teach you any longer.  Change is inevitable so... take your pick! I say that we change ourselves and work together to leave the powers that be ...behind.

Religion? tangible and immutable? hardly. It is simple man made and based in domination! Still... I don't seek to trash them but they too must evolve and alter themselves. To take out dominion and stewardship, to treat this place as if it is heaven... to take your place in the 'circle of life' and not above it and to try and control it. this isn't a playground for humans! It is a most amazing experience to take your part in it. Christians, Muslims and Buddhists and Jews, Hindus and on and on.. all seeking another place to go to and telling the world(all of us) that they need be saved...NO, you do nto have to be saved and you were born perfect!... you need to understand your place IN nature and how amazing you truly are when you aer IN it!. 

repeat -Three key understandings of Breaking Away from The Herd

Buckminster Fuller

"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete"

We must create new systems ASAP and WE MUST BREAK AWAY from THE HERD(civilization itself) and EMBRACE THE COMMONALITY (aka biodiversity and natures laws.) 

  Albert Einstein

"A human being is part of the whole, called by us “universe,” limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest – a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a prison, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons close to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from our prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all humanity and the whole of nature in its beauty"

   Waters and Gilmore - Pink Floyd

When I was a child, I caught a fleeting glimpse; out of the corner of my eye, I turned to look, but it was gone; I cannot put my finger on it now, The child has grown, the dream is gone... I have become comfortably numb.